
PerfectAire Air Purifier Starfish Cream


Perfectaire StarFish, brightly coloured design attracts the young minds and promotes renewal and growth. It is the colour you see the most in the natural environment.

Perfectaire StarFish cream promotes renewal and growth. It is the colour you see the most in the natural environment and highlights creativity.


A simple and affordable air cleansing and purification system that purifies and deodorises indoor air.

The PerfectAire Starfish covers up to 80m²,  and is available in orange, blue, cream and pink. The Starfish does not have lights.

Offers relief from the symptoms of polluted indoor air
Breathing difficulties and asthma
• Allergies, rashes and itchy skin
• Headaches, dizziness and fatigue
• Sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes and a runny nose
Purifies and effectively revitalises the air within minutes

• Eliminates cigarette smoke.
• Eliminates air-borne viruses and bacteria.
• Prevents mould and fungi growth.
• Removes mould, pollen, dust and other contaminants.
• Neutralises malodours such as pet smells, smoke and paint fumes.
• Eco-friendly

• Safe for children and pets

Must be used in conjunction with the PerfectAire botanical solutions. (listed separately)

Please do not put hot water in the bowls and do not put the bowls in the dishwasher as they will melt. 

We are here to help. Friendly, efficient service is just a call or email away.

A choice for GREEN living, the PerfectAire is innovative and sassy! 

Rated power : 13W
Water tank volume : 1.5L
Weight : 1.3Kg
Area of coverage : Up to 80 Sq Meter

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